Anne's Arrival

"On a sunny June day on Prince Edward Island . . ." begins this adaptation of Lucy Maud Montgomery's beloved Anne of Green Gables. Created to provide an introduction to the novel for young children, it tells the story of Anne's arrivals at Green Gables - the mistake that brought her there and how this little red-haired girl captured the hearts of Matthew and Marilla.

Adapted by Sandra A. Jay an Island educator who fell in love with the delightful character of Anne as a child. At every opportunity she shares this love, and it is her hope that her adaptation if the novel provides the opportunity for young readers to know and love Anne. This is her first children's book. 

Illustrated by Grace Curtis an artist who lives on Prince Edward Island. In 2019 her "Glimpse of Beauty" statue design was chosen to honor the life of LM Montgomery in Cavendish, PE. From illustration to fine art, Grace's work continues to be inspired by her island home. 

