A personalized greeting from your kindred spirit, Anne of Green Gables!
Send a special message to friends and family from Anne with an E! Maybe you or a loved one have a birthday, special occasion or 'Anne' -iversary you want Anne to help you celebrate!
Anne's message will be filmed in front of the beautiful Lake Of Shining Waters and Anne of Green Gables Museum in Park Corner, Prince Edward Island.
Once you have ordered and paid for your personalized greeting, you will receive an email within 24hrs with details about the content of your message.
*Please allow 5 business days from the time of your order to receive your electronic greeting *
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「キンドレッドスピリッツ」ラペルピン - アンとダイアナを示すフルカラーで緑の毛のアンの100周年を祝うキンドレッドスピリッツラペルピン。
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