Kindred Spirits Publishing is proud to announce the release of “A Stroll Through Island Gardens with Anne of Green Gables”.
A Stroll Through Island Gardens with Anne of Green Gables – Feel Anne's springtime hope in her watering of the flowers and delight in the magic of summer gardens. Take an evening stroll with Anne through the glory of the autumn colours. Be amazed by the winter artwork of Silversmith Frost. Enjoy bringing the garden indoors with lovely and different flower arrangements from the gardens of Anne of Green Gables.
Anne Mackay and Wayne Barrett have captured the beauty of these and many more of Anne's favourite Island gardens. They are well-known Prince Edward Island photographers, and their work has been featured in many books and publications.
Sandra Wagner is well known for her love for and writing about L M Montgomery and her novels. She was contributing editor of Kindred Spirits for 20 years.
Official Anne of Green Gables licensed product.
コレクション: All Products, Kindred Spirits Publishing, New Arrivals, すべての書籍
Anne of Green Gables has captured the hearts of people young and old for generations. This Early Readers edition follows Anne from her anxious...
ソフトカバー小説 無自由気ままなアン・オブ・グリーン・ガブルのようなヒロインは一度もいなかったが、彼女は1世紀以上も読者に愛され、どこでも新しいファンの心を獲得し続けている。これはキンドレッドスピリッツコレクションであり、ジョージキャンベルによって出版されました, 2019 これは、より大きなフォントを持っているので、若者が楽しむことが容易になります.
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